InterspaceБаза на знаењеДокументацијаКлаудПоставување на VPN конекција
Postavuvanje na VPN konekcija
Sodrzhinata e dostapna samo na angliski jazik.
To gain access to your VPN details begin by logging into the My Interspace control panel. Once in, navigate to the VPN and select the Settings tab to see the connection details.

Depending on which Operating System you use, please navigate.

1.Windows OS

1.1.Create a VPN connection

Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > VPN > Add a VPN connection

In Add a VPN connection, do the following:

  • For VPN provider, choose Windows (built-in).
  • In the Connection name box, enter a name you'll recognize (for example, My Personal VPN). This is the VPN connection name you'll look for when connecting.
  • In the Server name or address box, enter the Domain for the VPN server.
  • For VPN type, choose the IKEv2 type.
  • For Type of sign-in info, choose username and password and enter them in the respective boxes.

In order to use local network resources without routing all internet traffic through the VPN, uncheck the default gateway option.

Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > Change adapter options.

  • Access Properties: Right-click on the VPN connection and select "Properties" from the context menu.
  • Open TCP/IPv4 Properties: In the Properties window, locate "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" in the list, select it, and then click the "Properties" button.
  • Advanced Settings: In the TCP/IPv4 Properties window, click the "Advanced" button.
  • Disable Default Gateway: In the Advanced TCP/IP Settings window, you'll see a checkbox labeled "Use default gateway on remote network". Uncheck this box.
  • Apply Changes: Click "OK" on each window to apply the changes and close the windows.
  • Restart VPN Connection: Disconnect and reconnect to the VPN connection for the changes to take effect.

1.2.Connect to VPN

On the far right of the taskbar, select the Network icon.

Select the VPN connection you want to use, then do either of the following depending on what happens when you select the VPN connection:

  • If the Connect button displays under the VPN connection, select Connect.
  • If the VPN section in Settings opens, select the VPN connection there, then select Connect.

2.OS X (macOS)

2.1.Create a VPN connection

Select the Apple menu, then select System Preferences > Network > Click the "+" button at the bottom left to add a new network connection.

  • Select "VPN" as the interface, then choose IKEv2 as the type of VPN service.
  • Fill in the required information, such as Domain, account name, and authentication settings, which are provided by Interspace.
  • Click "OK" to save the settings.
  • Click "Apply" to apply the changes.

2.2.Connect to the VPN

To connect a VPN on macOS:

  • Click on the network icon in the menu bar.
  • Select the VPN connection you want to connect to from the dropdown menu.
  • Click "Connect" to establish the VPN connection.
  • Enter your VPN credentials if prompted.

Поставување на VPN конекција
Содржината е достапна само на англиски јазик.
To gain access to your VPN details begin by logging into the My Interspace control panel. Once in, navigate to the VPN and select the Settings tab to see the connection details.

Depending on which Operating System you use, please navigate.

1.Windows OS

1.1.Create a VPN connection

Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > VPN > Add a VPN connection

In Add a VPN connection, do the following:

  • For VPN provider, choose Windows (built-in).
  • In the Connection name box, enter a name you'll recognize (for example, My Personal VPN). This is the VPN connection name you'll look for when connecting.
  • In the Server name or address box, enter the Domain for the VPN server.
  • For VPN type, choose the IKEv2 type.
  • For Type of sign-in info, choose username and password and enter them in the respective boxes.

In order to use local network resources without routing all internet traffic through the VPN, uncheck the default gateway option.

Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > Change adapter options.

  • Access Properties: Right-click on the VPN connection and select "Properties" from the context menu.
  • Open TCP/IPv4 Properties: In the Properties window, locate "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" in the list, select it, and then click the "Properties" button.
  • Advanced Settings: In the TCP/IPv4 Properties window, click the "Advanced" button.
  • Disable Default Gateway: In the Advanced TCP/IP Settings window, you'll see a checkbox labeled "Use default gateway on remote network". Uncheck this box.
  • Apply Changes: Click "OK" on each window to apply the changes and close the windows.
  • Restart VPN Connection: Disconnect and reconnect to the VPN connection for the changes to take effect.

1.2.Connect to VPN

On the far right of the taskbar, select the Network icon.

Select the VPN connection you want to use, then do either of the following depending on what happens when you select the VPN connection:

  • If the Connect button displays under the VPN connection, select Connect.
  • If the VPN section in Settings opens, select the VPN connection there, then select Connect.

2.OS X (macOS)

2.1.Create a VPN connection

Select the Apple menu, then select System Preferences > Network > Click the "+" button at the bottom left to add a new network connection.

  • Select "VPN" as the interface, then choose IKEv2 as the type of VPN service.
  • Fill in the required information, such as Domain, account name, and authentication settings, which are provided by Interspace.
  • Click "OK" to save the settings.
  • Click "Apply" to apply the changes.

2.2.Connect to the VPN

To connect a VPN on macOS:

  • Click on the network icon in the menu bar.
  • Select the VPN connection you want to connect to from the dropdown menu.
  • Click "Connect" to establish the VPN connection.
  • Enter your VPN credentials if prompted.

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Povrzani produkti
Klaud VPN PointConnect
Klaud VPN ovozmozhuva individualni kompjuteri da se povrzuvaat bezbedno so vashata klaud privatna mrezha od bilo kade vo svetot, preku shifriranje na podatocite koi patuvaat preku Internet. Otkako kje se povrzat, tie mozhat da pristapat do bilo koj od vashite virtuelni ili dedicirani serveri, kako i metro Eternet tochki koristejkji gi nivnite privatni IP adresi. Sovrsheno za provajderi na CRM, ERP i slichni uslugi, koi sakaat da ovozmozhat bezbeden pristap do nivnite aplikacii preku Internet.
Elastichen Klaud VPS
Elastichen Klaud VPS pretstavuva virtuelna mashina koja raboti vrz napredni klaud i mrezhni tehnologii, nudejkji znachitelni prednosti vo sporedba so tradicionalniot VPS hosting i nepobedliv odnos na cena so performansi. Postavete OS so aplikacii za samo 1 min. Na eden klik avtomatski bekapi, snapshoti i disaster recovery replika, zachuvani vo drug data centar na bezbedna dalechina. Nova gen na AMD EPYC, ultra brzi NVMe diskovi, dedicirani konekcii i besplatna privatna mrezha.
Klaud NAT Gateway
Klaud NAT Gateway ovozmozhuva vlezni i izlezni konekcii preku Internet, za vashite virtuelni serveri koi imaat samo privatni IP adresi. Serverite pristapuvaat na Internet so rutiranje na soobrakjajot preku NAT gateway. Opcionalno, serverite mozhe da primaat vlezni konekcii od Internet koristejkji ja port forward funkcionalnosta. Odlichno reshenie za namaluvanje na troshocite za koristenje na javna IP adresa, no i povekje od toa. Ovozmozhuva pozadinski aplikacii da pristapuvaat na Internet, kako i javen pristap do vashite aplikacii postaveni pozadi NAT.
Поврзани продукти
Клауд VPN PointConnect
Клауд VPN овозможува индивидуални компјутери да се поврзуваат безбедно со вашата клауд приватна мрежа од било каде во светот, преку шифрирање на податоците кои патуваат преку Интернет. Откако ќе се поврзат, тие можат да пристапат до било кој од вашите виртуелни или дедицирани сервери, како и метро Етернет точки користејќи ги нивните приватни IP адреси. Совршенo за провајдери на CRM, ERP и слични услуги, кои сакаат да овозможат безбеден пристап до нивните апликации преку Интернет.
Еластичен Клауд ВПС
Еластичен Клауд ВПС претставува виртуелна машина која работи врз напредни клауд и мрежни технологии, нудејќи значителни предности во споредба со традиционалниот ВПС хостинг и непобедлив однос на цена со перформанси. Поставете OS со апликации за само 1 мин. На еден клик автоматски бекапи, снапшоти и disaster recovery реплика, зачувани во друг дата центар на безбедна далечина. Нова ген на AMD EPYC, ултра брзи NVMe дискови, дедицирани конекции и бесплатна приватна мрежа.
Клауд NAT Gateway
Клауд NAT Gateway овозможува влезни и излезни конекции преку Интернет, за вашите виртуелни сервери кои имаат само приватни IP адреси. Серверите пристапуваат на Интернет со рутирање на сообраќајот преку NAT gateway. Опционално, серверите може да примаат влезни конекции од Интернет користејќи ја port forward функционалноста. Одлично решение за намалување на трошоците за користење на јавна ИП адреса, но и повеќе од тоа. Овозможува позадински апликации да пристапуваат на Интернет, како и јавен пристап до вашите апликации поставени позади NAT.

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