InterspaceDocumentationHostingDisk RAID Management
Disk RAID Management

1.Linux OS

1.1.Hardware RAID

Log into the server via SSH and type this command in the console:
storcli /call /eall /sall show

The disks’ status is displayed in the Sp column, whereas the U refers to UP status, while D refers to DOWN status. Example:

1.2.Software RAID

Log into the server via SSH and type this command in the console:
cat /proc/mdstat

The disks’ status is displayed under each md device, whereas the U refers to UP status, while D refers to DOWN status. Example:

In case one disk is in DOWN state, please contact the Interspace Support to undertake a disk replacement procedure.

2.Windows OS

2.1.Hardware RAID

The RAID controller manager is pre-installed with the provision of the Windows Operating system. Click the desktop icon “MegaRAID Storage Manager” to run it, then click the hostname to log in (use Administrator’s credentials).

Open the tab “Logical” to verify that both disks are Online. If that’s not the case, please contact the Interspace Support to undertake a disk replacement procedure.

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