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Povečanje produktivnosti z Windows bližnjicami na tipkovnici
Odkrijte potencial vašega delovnega toka z bistvenimi bližnjicami na tipkovnici za Windows OS
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Keyboard shortcuts in Windows are essential tools that can significantly enhance your workflow. This guide introduces essential shortcuts tailored for GUI versions of Windows 10/11 and Windows Server 2019/2022 users.

1.Core Shortcuts for Daily Operations

  • Basic Text Commands
    Ctrl + C for copy, Ctrl + V for paste, Ctrl + X for cut, and Ctrl + A for select all. These commands are universal across most applications, providing a seamless text manipulation experience.
  • Undo and Redo
    Mistakes are easily reversible with Ctrl + Z for undo and Ctrl + Y for redo, applicable in many editing environments.
  • Quick System Lock
    Secure your workstation with Windows Key + L.
  • Efficient Window Switching
    Use Alt + Tab to switch between applications swiftly. For a more visual approach, Windows Key + Tab presents an overview of open windows, allowing for easy navigation.
  • Split Screen
    Press Windows Key + Left Arrow to snap the active window to the left side of the screen, and Windows Key + Right Arrow to snap it to the right. Use Windows Key + Up Arrow to maximize the window vertically, and Windows Key + Down Arrow to restore its original size.

2.Advanced Productivity

For those looking to elevate their command over Windows, these advanced shortcuts offer a deeper level of interaction and efficiency. Tailor your experience and navigate your system like a pro:

  • Screen Snipping
    Quickly capture part of your screen using Windows Key + Shift + S, opening the Snip & Sketch tool for easy editing and sharing.
  • Task Manager Access
    Directly open the Task Manager with Ctrl + Shift + Esc, a faster route to monitor and manage running applications and system performance.
  • Virtual Desktops
    Enhance your workspace organization by creating new virtual desktops with Windows Key + Ctrl + D and navigating between them using Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow.

3.Efficiency Boosters

Enhance your productivity with these additional shortcuts that help you navigate and manage your tasks more efficiently:

  • Open File Explorer
    Instantly access your files and folders with Windows Key + E. This shortcut brings up File Explorer, making it easy to browse your storage.
  • System Search
    Quickly find files, folders, apps, and settings by pressing Windows Key + S. It launches the search bar, allowing you to type your query immediately.
  • Desktop Display
    Minimize all windows and view the desktop by using Windows Key + D. Press it again to restore your windows to their previous state.
  • Settings Shortcut
    Access the Windows settings menu directly by pressing Windows Key + I. This is handy for adjusting system preferences without navigating through the Start menu.
  • Lock Screen Orientation
    For devices with screen rotation, use Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Key to lock the screen orientation. This is useful for tablets and convertible laptops.
  • Open Task View
    Get an overview of all open windows and virtual desktops by pressing Windows Key + Tab. This is similar to Alt + Tab but provides a more stationary view.
  • Run Command Dialog
    Open the Run command dialog box with Windows Key + R. It's a quick way to launch applications or open documents by typing their names or paths.
  • Quick Assist
    Offer or receive assistance over a remote connection with Windows Key + Ctrl + Q. Quick Assist allows you to share your screen or control another PC over the Internet.
  • Accessibility Features
    Toggle the Magnifier to zoom in or out on parts of your screen with Windows Key + Plus (+) or Windows Key + Minus (-). Enable high contrast mode with Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen for better visibility.

4.Developer Shortcuts

For developers and power users, these shortcuts offer quick access to tools and features that support coding and system management:

  • Open PowerShell or Command Prompt
    Open a PowerShell window with Windows Key + X, then choose PowerShell or Command Prompt.
  • Direct Access to System Properties
    Quickly view system information and settings by pressing Windows Key + Pause/Break. This opens the System Properties window, useful for checking your PC's specs or changing advanced system settings.
  • Developer Tools in Browsers
    Open developer tools in most web browsers with F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I. These tools are indispensable for web development, allowing you to inspect HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in real-time.
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Premium internetni dostop
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Namenski strežniki
Namenski strežniki na vrhunski strojni opremi priznanih proizvajalcev strežnikov. Gostujejo v naših podatkovnih centrih, kar nam omogoča popoln nadzor pri zagotavljanju delovanja 24/7. Izbira primarnih podatkovnih centrov in podatkovnega centra za obnovo po nesreči, ki se nahaja na varni razdalji. Možnosti nadzora napajanja (ponovni zagon, izklop/vklop) in brezplačen KVM-over-IP na voljo 24/7 z enim klikom, vključno s podporo za oddaljeni zagon/namestitev lastnih ISO datotek.

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