InterspaceБаза на знаењеТехнички статииНаучиЗголемување на продуктивноста со кратенки на тастатурата на Windows
Zgolemuvanje na produktivnosta so kratenki na tastaturata na Windows
Otkluchete go potencijalot za rabotnite procesi so osnovni kratenki na tastaturata za Windows OS
Sodrzhinata e dostapna samo na angliski jazik.
Keyboard shortcuts in Windows are essential tools that can significantly enhance your workflow. This guide introduces essential shortcuts tailored for GUI versions of Windows 10/11 and Windows Server 2019/2022 users.

1.Core Shortcuts for Daily Operations

  • Basic Text Commands
    Ctrl + C for copy, Ctrl + V for paste, Ctrl + X for cut, and Ctrl + A for select all. These commands are universal across most applications, providing a seamless text manipulation experience.
  • Undo and Redo
    Mistakes are easily reversible with Ctrl + Z for undo and Ctrl + Y for redo, applicable in many editing environments.
  • Quick System Lock
    Secure your workstation with Windows Key + L.
  • Efficient Window Switching
    Use Alt + Tab to switch between applications swiftly. For a more visual approach, Windows Key + Tab presents an overview of open windows, allowing for easy navigation.
  • Split Screen
    Press Windows Key + Left Arrow to snap the active window to the left side of the screen, and Windows Key + Right Arrow to snap it to the right. Use Windows Key + Up Arrow to maximize the window vertically, and Windows Key + Down Arrow to restore its original size.

2.Advanced Productivity

For those looking to elevate their command over Windows, these advanced shortcuts offer a deeper level of interaction and efficiency. Tailor your experience and navigate your system like a pro:

  • Screen Snipping
    Quickly capture part of your screen using Windows Key + Shift + S, opening the Snip & Sketch tool for easy editing and sharing.
  • Task Manager Access
    Directly open the Task Manager with Ctrl + Shift + Esc, a faster route to monitor and manage running applications and system performance.
  • Virtual Desktops
    Enhance your workspace organization by creating new virtual desktops with Windows Key + Ctrl + D and navigating between them using Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow.

3.Efficiency Boosters

Enhance your productivity with these additional shortcuts that help you navigate and manage your tasks more efficiently:

  • Open File Explorer
    Instantly access your files and folders with Windows Key + E. This shortcut brings up File Explorer, making it easy to browse your storage.
  • System Search
    Quickly find files, folders, apps, and settings by pressing Windows Key + S. It launches the search bar, allowing you to type your query immediately.
  • Desktop Display
    Minimize all windows and view the desktop by using Windows Key + D. Press it again to restore your windows to their previous state.
  • Settings Shortcut
    Access the Windows settings menu directly by pressing Windows Key + I. This is handy for adjusting system preferences without navigating through the Start menu.
  • Lock Screen Orientation
    For devices with screen rotation, use Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Key to lock the screen orientation. This is useful for tablets and convertible laptops.
  • Open Task View
    Get an overview of all open windows and virtual desktops by pressing Windows Key + Tab. This is similar to Alt + Tab but provides a more stationary view.
  • Run Command Dialog
    Open the Run command dialog box with Windows Key + R. It's a quick way to launch applications or open documents by typing their names or paths.
  • Quick Assist
    Offer or receive assistance over a remote connection with Windows Key + Ctrl + Q. Quick Assist allows you to share your screen or control another PC over the Internet.
  • Accessibility Features
    Toggle the Magnifier to zoom in or out on parts of your screen with Windows Key + Plus (+) or Windows Key + Minus (-). Enable high contrast mode with Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen for better visibility.

4.Developer Shortcuts

For developers and power users, these shortcuts offer quick access to tools and features that support coding and system management:

  • Open PowerShell or Command Prompt
    Open a PowerShell window with Windows Key + X, then choose PowerShell or Command Prompt.
  • Direct Access to System Properties
    Quickly view system information and settings by pressing Windows Key + Pause/Break. This opens the System Properties window, useful for checking your PC's specs or changing advanced system settings.
  • Developer Tools in Browsers
    Open developer tools in most web browsers with F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I. These tools are indispensable for web development, allowing you to inspect HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in real-time.
Sodrzhinata vo ovoj dokument e licencirana od Interspace so MIT licenca
Зголемување на продуктивноста со кратенки на тастатурата на Windows
Отклучете го потенцијалот за работните процеси со основни кратенки на тастатурата за Windows OS
Содржината е достапна само на англиски јазик.
Keyboard shortcuts in Windows are essential tools that can significantly enhance your workflow. This guide introduces essential shortcuts tailored for GUI versions of Windows 10/11 and Windows Server 2019/2022 users.

1.Core Shortcuts for Daily Operations

  • Basic Text Commands
    Ctrl + C for copy, Ctrl + V for paste, Ctrl + X for cut, and Ctrl + A for select all. These commands are universal across most applications, providing a seamless text manipulation experience.
  • Undo and Redo
    Mistakes are easily reversible with Ctrl + Z for undo and Ctrl + Y for redo, applicable in many editing environments.
  • Quick System Lock
    Secure your workstation with Windows Key + L.
  • Efficient Window Switching
    Use Alt + Tab to switch between applications swiftly. For a more visual approach, Windows Key + Tab presents an overview of open windows, allowing for easy navigation.
  • Split Screen
    Press Windows Key + Left Arrow to snap the active window to the left side of the screen, and Windows Key + Right Arrow to snap it to the right. Use Windows Key + Up Arrow to maximize the window vertically, and Windows Key + Down Arrow to restore its original size.

2.Advanced Productivity

For those looking to elevate their command over Windows, these advanced shortcuts offer a deeper level of interaction and efficiency. Tailor your experience and navigate your system like a pro:

  • Screen Snipping
    Quickly capture part of your screen using Windows Key + Shift + S, opening the Snip & Sketch tool for easy editing and sharing.
  • Task Manager Access
    Directly open the Task Manager with Ctrl + Shift + Esc, a faster route to monitor and manage running applications and system performance.
  • Virtual Desktops
    Enhance your workspace organization by creating new virtual desktops with Windows Key + Ctrl + D and navigating between them using Windows Key + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow.

3.Efficiency Boosters

Enhance your productivity with these additional shortcuts that help you navigate and manage your tasks more efficiently:

  • Open File Explorer
    Instantly access your files and folders with Windows Key + E. This shortcut brings up File Explorer, making it easy to browse your storage.
  • System Search
    Quickly find files, folders, apps, and settings by pressing Windows Key + S. It launches the search bar, allowing you to type your query immediately.
  • Desktop Display
    Minimize all windows and view the desktop by using Windows Key + D. Press it again to restore your windows to their previous state.
  • Settings Shortcut
    Access the Windows settings menu directly by pressing Windows Key + I. This is handy for adjusting system preferences without navigating through the Start menu.
  • Lock Screen Orientation
    For devices with screen rotation, use Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Key to lock the screen orientation. This is useful for tablets and convertible laptops.
  • Open Task View
    Get an overview of all open windows and virtual desktops by pressing Windows Key + Tab. This is similar to Alt + Tab but provides a more stationary view.
  • Run Command Dialog
    Open the Run command dialog box with Windows Key + R. It's a quick way to launch applications or open documents by typing their names or paths.
  • Quick Assist
    Offer or receive assistance over a remote connection with Windows Key + Ctrl + Q. Quick Assist allows you to share your screen or control another PC over the Internet.
  • Accessibility Features
    Toggle the Magnifier to zoom in or out on parts of your screen with Windows Key + Plus (+) or Windows Key + Minus (-). Enable high contrast mode with Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen for better visibility.

4.Developer Shortcuts

For developers and power users, these shortcuts offer quick access to tools and features that support coding and system management:

  • Open PowerShell or Command Prompt
    Open a PowerShell window with Windows Key + X, then choose PowerShell or Command Prompt.
  • Direct Access to System Properties
    Quickly view system information and settings by pressing Windows Key + Pause/Break. This opens the System Properties window, useful for checking your PC's specs or changing advanced system settings.
  • Developer Tools in Browsers
    Open developer tools in most web browsers with F12 or Ctrl + Shift + I. These tools are indispensable for web development, allowing you to inspect HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in real-time.
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Internet od najvisoka klasa za profesionalni potrebi. Superiorna tochka-do-tochka optichka linija, simetrichen download i upload, neogranichen soobrakjaj, SLA dogovor i statichka IP. Direktni konekcii so vrvnite globalni provajderi. Nashata mrezhna arhitektura e so pasija dizajnirana da obezbedi konekcii so najvisok kvalitet do bilo koja destinacija vo svetot, rezultirajkji vo nesporedliva brzina na transfer i povekje stepena redundantnost.
Dedicirani serveri
Dedicirani serveri na visoka klasa na hardver od priznaeni vendori. Hostingot e vo nashi data centri, ovozmozhuvajkji ni celosna kontrola za obezbeduvanje postojan kvalitet i dostapnost 24/7/365. Izbor na primarni data centri i disaster recovery data centar lociran na bezbedna dalechina. Kontrola na napojuvanje (resetiranje, iskluchi/vkluchi) i besplaten KVM-preku-IP, dostapni 24/7 na eden klik, vkluchuvajkji i opcija za startuvanje/instalacija na vashi ISO zapisi.
Поврзани продукти
Еластичен Клауд ВПС
Еластичен Клауд ВПС претставува виртуелна машина која работи врз напредни клауд и мрежни технологии, нудејќи значителни предности во споредба со традиционалниот ВПС хостинг и непобедлив однос на цена со перформанси. Поставете OS со апликации за само 1 мин. На еден клик автоматски бекапи, снапшоти и disaster recovery реплика, зачувани во друг дата центар на безбедна далечина. Нова ген на AMD EPYC, ултра брзи NVMe дискови, дедицирани конекции и бесплатна приватна мрежа.
Премиум Интернет пристап
Интернет од највисока класа за професионални потреби. Супериорна точка-до-точка оптичка линија, симетричен download и upload, неограничен сообраќај, SLA договор и статичка ИП. Директни конекции со врвните глобални провајдери. Нашата мрежна архитектура е со пасија дизајнирана да обезбеди конекции со највисок квалитет до било која дестинација во светот, резултирајќи во неспоредлива брзина на трансфер и повеќе степена редундантност.
Дедицирани сервери
Дедицирани сервери на висока класа на хардвер од признаени вендори. Хостингот е во наши дата центри, овозможувајќи ни целосна контрола за обезбедување постојан квалитет и достапност 24/7/365. Избор на примарни дата центри и disaster recovery дата центар лоциран на безбедна далечина. Kонтрола на напојување (ресетирање, исклучи/вклучи) и бесплатен KVM-преку-IP, достапни 24/7 на еден клик, вклучувајќи и опција за стартување/инсталација на ваши ISO записи.

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